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U.S. companies seized the opportunity to develop Covid-19 vaccine

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the need to develop new medicaments. The pharmaceutical industry has soon begun to develop and test vaccines and drugs against the new virus. The topic of Covid-19 vaccine and the need of vaccination has often been mentioned in the media. Even so, new vaccines are still being developed all around the world. They play a key role in treatment of the infected and pharmaceutical companies are fighting for development of the most effective drug. OZIOS has prepared a summary to introduce how companies are doing on the market.

Gilead Sciences and its Remdesivir

Treatment with Remdesivir has been provided to roughly half of all hospitalized Covid-19 patients in the United States. Even though opinions of scientists on Remdesivir differ, it became the only fully approved drug against Covid-19. Research performed by Market Research Future estimated that the market will reach roughly USD 10,119.99 million till 2027 thanks to the drug developed by Gilead Sciences. In connection with this particular drug, companies such as Mylan, Cipla, Hetero Labs and Jubilant Life Sciences should be mentioned. Gilead Sciences (GILD) became an important part of the healthcare sector including companies such as Amgen Inc. (AMGN) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ). Current earnings per share of the company rose to 4.1 %. According to Zacks Investment Research, expected profit growth will be 0.81 % in 2021, compared to an industry average of 7.7 %.



Gilead Sciences' performance during last five years. Source: www.investing.com



Eli Lilly and Company and its Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab

The company has newly received authorization of emergency use authorization for bamlanivimab and etesevimab, administered together, to include emergency use as post-exposure prophylaxis for Covid-19. The emergency use is applicable to patients exposed to an individual infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or patients who are at high risk of hospitalization. The authorization enables treatment of high-risk patients over 12 years who are not fully vaccinated or who are not expected to mount an adequate immune response to complete vaccination, or have been exposed to an individual infected with SARS-CoV-2, or those who are at high risk of exposure to an individual infected with Covid-19, including the elderly and prisoners. In 2020, Eli Lilly and Company reported total revenues of USD 24.5 billion. The pharmaceutical company recently announced its Q2 results – its revenues exceed, but profits are far from estimates. The year-on-year increase was roughly 23 % and a total revenue rose to $ 6.7 billion.



Performance of Eli Lilly and Company during last 5 years. Source: www.investing.com

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and its REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab)

The biotechnology company develops and manufactures drugs for the treatment of serious diseases. The pharmaceutical company is well-known for its Covid-19 drug containing casirivimab and imdevimab. Nowadays, REGEN-COV can be used as a treatment to infected patients in order to reduce the risk of hospitalization or death from Covid-19, and post-exposure prophylaxis for close contact with infected persons. Recently, the company announced an agreement on 1.4 million doses of REGEN-COV with the U.S. government. The vaccines should be ready by the end of January 2022. The cost of approximately USD 2,100 per dose represents roughly USD 2.9 billion in total. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals stocks have risen to 35% during 2021.*




Performance of Regeneron during last 5 years. Source: www.investing.com


Other companies developing Covid-19 drugs

Other important companies developing drugs against the deadly virus are:

·        Grifols - global specialized pharmaceutical company based in Spain developing, manufacturing and distributing a broad range of biological medicines based on plasma derived proteins. The company develops 7 products against Covid-19 and uses convalescent plasma from recovered Covid-19 donors for direct transfusion.

·        Johnson & Johnson

·        Tonix Pharmaceuticals

·        Novartis


Risk warning: CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 0% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

Legal information: O.Z.I. Online Zone Investment Opportunities (OZIOS) is a registered brand name of APME FX Trading Europe Ltd, a Cyprus Investment Firm regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with License No 335/17. The company's registered office address is 21 Kyriakou Oikonomou, 3040, Limassol, Cyprus.



* Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

* Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

* Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

* Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

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Az itt található anyag a vonatkozó törvények és rendeletek értelmében marketingkommunikációnak minősül, és mint ilyen, nem tartozik a befektetési kutatás terjesztését megelőző kereskedési tilalom hatálya alá. Nem a befektetési kutatások függetlenségének előmozdítását célzó jogi követelményeknek megfelelően készült, és nem értelmezhető úgy, hogy befektetési tanácsot vagy befektetési ajánlást tartalmaz, illetve nem minősül pénzügyi eszközökkel kapcsolatos ügyletekre vonatkozó ajánlatnak vagy felhívásnak. A közzétett tartalom kizárólag oktatási/információs célokat szolgál. Nem veszi figyelembe az olvasók pénzügyi helyzetét, személyes tapasztalatait vagy befektetési céljait. Az APME FX Trading Europe Ltd. nem garantálja, hogy a közölt információk pontosak, aktuálisak vagy teljesek; és ezért nem vállal felelősséget a közölt tartalom alapján történő befektetésekből eredő veszteségekért. A múltbeli teljesítmény nem jelent garanciát a jövőbeli eredményekre.

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Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt nagy a kockázata a gyors pénzvesztésnek. A lakossági befektetők számláinak 89.30% százaléka veszít pénzt, amikor CFD-kkel kereskedik ennél a szolgáltatónál. Meg kell fontolnia, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését, és hogy megengedheti-e magának a pénzvesztés magas kockázatát. Olvassa el Kockázati közzétételekrt.