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Expectations from Tesla's Cybertrack

Tesla Inc ( TSLA ) has been in the spotlight with its long-awaited Cybertruck model not only because of its innovative design, but also because of delays and a high price tag. Analysts are now expressing concern that Cybertruck's impact on Tesla's financial results could be limited in the short term. The company faces several challenges. He repeatedly points out that in the preliminary period until mid-2025, there are significant obstacles in increasing Cybertruck production and achieving positive cash flow . This extended time frame raises concerns about Tesla's near-term profitability. [1]

about company

Tesla Inc was founded in 2003 in Silicon Valley, California with the goal of creating and popularizing electric vehicles. The company was founded by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning . In 2004, entrepreneur Elon joined them Musk , who took control of the company and became the main investment partner. The Tesla Roadster , launched in 2008, was the first mass-produced electric sports car with a longer range. The company has become a leader in the electric car industry thanks to the combination of innovative design, high performance and long range per charge.

Who is Cybertruck intended for?

Tesla's chief designer , Franz von Holzhausen , says the Cybertruck's design helps strengthen the brand and sparks debate. At the presentation in Petersen Automotive The Los Angeles Museum said that while the vehicle may be loved or hated, it becomes the center of attention and inspires discussions about the brand. Cybertruck is also an attraction for those who have never owned a pick-up before . Despite the disappointments of delays and higher prices, von Holzhausen says this is not an experiment because it will attract new entrants to the trucking market. Its bold angular design, inspired by, for example, Lamborghini Countach or F-117 Stealth fighter Fighter , in the eyes of the designer, is a challenge to skeptics.[1]

Prospects for 2024?

Wedbush emphasized in its recent report that the Cybertruck could have only a modest impact on Tesla's financial results for 2024. Analysts such as Tom Narayan of RBC Capital Markets view the Cybertruck as more of a "halo" product. It serves to raise Tesla 's brand image and attract consumers to its mass offerings, the Model 3 and Model Y. The strategy is in line with the brand's long-term positioning, but raises questions about its immediate financial impact and electric car market share.

While Tesla's stock has rallied this year, it's only recovering from a significant decline of more than 65% in 2022.* Coming two years late, the Cybertruck enters the market with competition from the Ford F150 Lightning , Rivian 's R1T Automotive (RIVN) or Hummer EV from General Motors (GM).[2]

Outlook until 2024

Morgan Stanley has set a 12-month target price for Tesla at $380 per share, expecting another relatively volatile year for the electric car maker.[2] According to an analysis by Morgan Stanley, the cautious stance of investment funds on Tesla is understandable given the increased competition and lack of new high-volume products in 2024. Despite the expected challenges for Tesla in 2024, including a possible auto gross margin of 10% and the temporary possibility of negative nuclear operating margin, Morgan Stanley remains optimistic about the company's future. Analysts emphasize that Tesla is not only a car company, but also a company operating in the field of artificial intelligence.

Morgan Stanley emphasizes its optimistic stance for 2024, despite the problems the company faced in 2023. In addition, analysts look at Tesla's strategic developments outside the automotive sector, such as the Optimus robot and the initiative to create its own supercomputer Dojo . These moves are seen as key catalysts for introducing new technology opportunities and entering markets outside traditional automotive industries.[3]

Snímek obrazovky 2024-01-02 v 14.56.53

Tesla Inc share price development over the last 5 years. (Source: Google Finance ) *


Analysts warn that the long-awaited Tesla Cybertruck may have a limited impact on financial results due to production delays and high costs.[3] Morgan Stanley is cautious on Tesla in 2024 due to increased competition and lack of new products. Still, Tesla plans to expand production of the Cybertruck and may face new challenges. At the same time, the company is emphasizing its technological ambitions, which include robotics and computing initiatives. Overall, Tesla's outlook is uncertain, but this combination of automotive and technology approach may affect its market position.

Adam Austera , chief analyst at Ozios

* Past performance is no guarantee of future results

[1,2,3] Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and current expectations, which may be inaccurate, or the current economic environment, which may change. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. They involve risks and other uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements.

[1] https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/cybertruck-designer-says-tesla-stainless-steel-pickup-is-no-experiment-3262065

[2] https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/tesla-gets-price-target-boost-to-350-as-wedbush-s-ives-foresees-ev-giant-regaining-1-trillion-market-cap-in-2024-1032921088

[3] https://www.investing.com/news/stock-market-news/morgan-stanley-says-tesla-is-both-a-car-and-ai-company-remains-bullish-for-2024-3263600

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Az itt található anyag a vonatkozó törvények és rendeletek értelmében marketingkommunikációnak minősül, és mint ilyen, nem tartozik a befektetési kutatás terjesztését megelőző kereskedési tilalom hatálya alá. Nem a befektetési kutatások függetlenségének előmozdítását célzó jogi követelményeknek megfelelően készült, és nem értelmezhető úgy, hogy befektetési tanácsot vagy befektetési ajánlást tartalmaz, illetve nem minősül pénzügyi eszközökkel kapcsolatos ügyletekre vonatkozó ajánlatnak vagy felhívásnak. A közzétett tartalom kizárólag oktatási/információs célokat szolgál. Nem veszi figyelembe az olvasók pénzügyi helyzetét, személyes tapasztalatait vagy befektetési céljait. Az APME FX Trading Europe Ltd. nem garantálja, hogy a közölt információk pontosak, aktuálisak vagy teljesek; és ezért nem vállal felelősséget a közölt tartalom alapján történő befektetésekből eredő veszteségekért. A múltbeli teljesítmény nem jelent garanciát a jövőbeli eredményekre.

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